Dental emergencies can often feel unsettling, especially if your child has never experienced having a tooth fly out of their mouth before. Whether it was during a sports event or while they were at the playground, it can be overwhelming to figure out what you should do about the situation. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to help preserve your little one’s dental health. Read on to learn what you can do if you’re child has knocked out a tooth!
#1: Remain Calm
It’s important that you stay relaxed and not panic, as your little one will look to you for guidance. If they see you worried or terrified, then they might understand their situation to be scary and start to cry. Instead, you should remain calm, and your child will be more likely to follow your lead.
#2: Find the Tooth
Having a knocked-out baby tooth may not be an urgent situation, as a mature one will simply take its place. Instead of reattaching it, your dentist will probably provide a space maintainer to make sure your child has plenty of space for their adult tooth to come out when it’s ready. However, if it’s a permanent one that was knocked out, then it’ll be crucial that you locate it immediately. By replacing it in time, you can avoid your child needing a restoration like a crown or dental bridge to restore the gap in their smile.
#3: Preserve the Tooth
After finding their tooth, make sure to pick it up by the crown or chewing side. Gently rinse off any debris or dirt from it in lukewarm water, and don’t scrub it or use any soap to clean it. Avoid touching the roots, as this can damage the tooth and reduce the chance of reattaching it successfully. If you can, try placing it back in its socket. If this isn’t possible, store it in a small container of milk (or between your child’s cheek and gums, but only if they’re old enough to not swallow it).
#4: Schedule a Visit with Your Emergency Dentist
Contact your dentist for a same-day appointment so they can restore the look and function of your child’s pearly whites. Their knocked-out tooth will need to be reattached within 60 minutes for the highest success rate, so it’s important to get to the dental office quickly. Once there, your team will ensure your little one is as comfortable as possible while waiting to get the necessary treatment.
With these few steps in mind, you can feel more confident to jump into action if your child knocks out a tooth. Not only will this help make the situation less scary, but you’ll know the essential ways to help restore their smile in a timely manner!
About the Author
Dr. Jose Gonzalez received his dental doctorate from the Baylor College of Dentistry. He’s been delivering outstanding care for a little over a decade, using the latest in technology to offer the highest quality of services. He and his team provide a wide selection of comprehensive treatments, including dental checkups/cleanings, dental bridges, and emergency dentistry to protect your dental health. If you need to schedule an appointment for your little one, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call 972-807-9887.